Exploring Centennial Lakes Park

September 30, 2016

I met a longtime friend and her family to explore Centennial Lakes Park a couple weekends ago and take family pictures.  I have known Nicole since we were in elementary school.  There’s something so wonderful about seeing friends from back then all grown up and enjoying their families.  And these three were so much fun to be with!  I enjoyed watching them all interact and laugh together, and show so much love for each other.  The little guy even kept pushing his parents’ faces together to kiss!

Now that the busy fall picture season is here, and families may want to use pictures for holiday cards, my blog posts will be shorter and include more of the candid, fun shots and less of the family pictures that may show up on a card.  With that said, the candid, relaxed pictures are almost always my favorites of the session, so I don’t mind holding back on the more posed family shots!  Here are a few highlights from our session.

exploring centennial lakes park family session

This cute face!  And eyelashes!

exploring centennial lakes park family session

exploring centennial lakes park family session

exploring centennial lakes park family session

exploring centennial lakes park family session

Mom had a very funny song she kept singing, and it made him crack up.  Every single time.

exploring centennial lakes park family session

Dad could get him laughing pretty well too.

exploring centennial lakes park family session

exploring centennial lakes park family session

Thanks again for meeting me — I had a great afternoon!  ♥