In-home March Family Session

March 30, 2018

Spring has been so slow to come this year (there is still a ton of snow in our yard and it’s the very end of March)!  But no problem … this family said we could do photos in their home and I’m so glad we did!  I love taking their photos. They are so relaxed and just let me follow them around while they do their thing!  Little Nolan is a special guy.  He has an amazing memory, and we had a great conversation about the two different cars I drive!  Then he showed me his cute bedroom and enjoyed some snuggles, playing and reading with mom and dad.

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Then he wanted to do some playing in the living room and show me his sweet dog Sadie.

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I’m so glad that I got to spend the morning with you, Nolan.  Thanks for letting me come over!

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