Villaflor Family Visit from Boston

August 4, 2016

A couple weeks ago we had visitors from Boston!  Two of my college roommates and their families came to Minnesota to visit myself and another college roommate who lives here.  We had so much fun!  We went to the pool, enjoyed delicious beer at Able Brewery, visited a lot of the great parks and lakes in Minneapolis, and had a fun girls night out.  One of the best parts of the visit was to watch our kids get along and play together so well.  We had so much fun, in fact, that I did not even get out my camera to document the visit, except for one morning with the Villaflors to take some family pictures.  This was one of my favorite sessions because of how much energy and fun these 4 have together.

We started off with some sweet, calm pictures:

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And some of the beautiful kids, Lily and Caiden:

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And then Mr. Caiden suddenly exploded with personality!

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We gave the kids a tiny break so I could take some of Liz and Noel.

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When we attempted to bring in the kids again, Caiden had other plans.  We enlisted the help of big sister Lily to lure him over, and the game of chase-your-sibling-around-your parents had everyone laughing.  These photos are some of my favorites!  Nobody is posed and looking at the camera, but when I was editing the photos after the visit, these are the pictures that made me miss them the most because they capture their fun, energetic personalities perfectly.

Finally, after a lot of running we got Caiden back into the photo.  At this point, he was over the calm poses and decided to do something a little funnier:

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I love these next two of brother and sister cracking up together.  It reminds me of my kids, and of me and my brother.

Thank you for coming to Minnesota to visit us, and for letting me take your family pictures.  It was a perfect visit and we all miss you! ♥

family photographer edina minnesota