Snuggly Baby William

July 31, 2016

There’s nothing like a fresh, snuggly newborn baby!  This little guy is welcomed and very loved by his parents and 3 older siblings.  So loved, that it was hard to get a picture of him without someone cuddling or giving him a kiss!  Not a bad problem to have.  His older siblings were so sweet and calm, and it made for a very relaxing fun afternoon with the family.

newborn baby photography minneapolis minnesota

snuggly newborn baby minneapolis

See what I mean with the constant kisses!  So sweet.

newborn baby photography minneapolis minnesota

I think the older kids all took a popsicle break and I got William alone for a couple minutes.  He was wide awake and content to just look around!

newborn baby photography minneapolis minnesota

This next picture might be my favorite of the day.  The family making each other laugh behind a very content baby.  Soon he will be joining in on their fun!

newborn baby photography minneapolis minnesota

After all that excitement, William needed some snuggle time with mom and then was able to relax and fall asleep!

Baby William Blog Post-9

newborn baby photography minneapolis minnesota

newborn baby photography minneapolis minnesota

It was a very hot summer day, but we decided to go outside for a few pictures with the family.  William kept sleeping through all of them!

newborn baby photography minneapolis minnesota

newborn baby photography minneapolis minnesota

Thank you all for inviting me into your home during such a special time.  Enjoy these first few weeks with William.  He is one lucky little guy!  ♥