Snowy Winter Mini Sessions

February 8, 2017

I really enjoyed taking pictures last December for my snowy winter mini sessions!  I got to take pictures for families I have known a long time, and also met a couple new sweet families.  The minis were quick, which was good in the cold weather in December.  I think everyone had fun playing in the snow, and I love how they have such a  wintery look.

First up is the family of a dear friend I worked with for several years.  I went to their house and took photos in their beautiful back yard.  After this mini session I was inspired to do more of them the following weekend — I even used their cute pics to advertise.  🙂  Their kids were good sports, and we even got the puppies in a couple family pictures.  My favorite picture might be the first one here of mom kissing her not-so-little guy on the cheek and his eyes closed.  So sweet!

snowy winter mini sessions

snowy winter mini sessions

snowy winter mini sessions

The following weekend we woke up to a fresh coating of snow, which looked so pretty against the trees at the park.  First up in the morning was this adorable family.  I have known Jill since high school … so many fun memories of sleeping over at her house, dance contests, band camp … I’ll spare everyone the details but we had a lot of fun back then!  It was so fun to see her  all grown up with her cute husband and daughter!

snowy winter mini sessions

snowy winter mini sessions

Later that day I met up with Kelly from The Polka Dot Cookie, with her kids and new puppy.  She is one of my closest friends, and also from the high school group.  We have lived in different states since high school except for the last 3 years when she moved back to Minnesota.  It’s been such a treat to see her so often now, and to both start businesses last year.  You’ve seen her cookies before on this blog, and in your welcome packages.  She is so talented — check out her Facebook page or Instagram and order some cookies for yourself!

snowy winter mini sessions

snowy winter mini sessions

snowy winter mini sessions

Finally, I got to meet a new family later in the afternoon!  These three were so sweet and had so much fun playing together.  I loved trying to make their little guy laugh (which wasn’t very hard — he was so happy)!  I hope to see them again this year!

snowy winter mini sessionssnowy winter mini sessions

Thank you all for making my first mini sessions a success!  Watch for minis coming sometime again this year — I really enjoyed them!  ♥