October Daily Photos

November 10, 2016

October has come and gone!  I entered a new decade, we went to Phoenix, we did a lot of raking, and I took a lot of family pictures!  My daily photo motivation is dropping, but I did manage to get some good pictures this month.  I’m showing some of my favorites.  I decided to change it up and not include any people photos this month — all nature, objects, and animals.  Enjoy!

October 2: “My Space.”  Scouting photo locations I found this space with gorgeous light streaming into the woods.

October Daily Photos

October 5: “My Playground.”  The kids got to play in a lot of leaves this month.  They had just started to fall here.

October Daily Photos

October 10: “Stand Out.”  Standing out in the light of the dining room.

October Daily Photos

October 18: “Spin.”  We went to the beautiful Phoenix Zoo on our trip.  Giraffes are my favorite animal.  This picture isn’t really on topic, but something about the way her neck is bent makes me think of spinning.

October Daily Photos

October 27: “New and Old.”  My “old” friend Kelly started her “new” business this year: Polka Dot Cookie.  She made me some beautiful birthday cookies.

October Daily Photos

October 31: “Carved.”  The squirrels ate our pumpkins, so we didn’t have any to carve.  And I’m really not much of a Halloween person, so I only took one bad cell phone picture of my kids in costume.  But I did buy some pretty orange flowers as our main Halloween decoration.

October Daily Photos