Megan & Scott’s Engagement Photos

July 21, 2016

I love taking engagement photos!  It is so fun to meet a new couple at such an exciting time in their lives, and I love to see their personalities come through the pictures!  I met Megan and Scott last weekend in Minneapolis near Mill City Museum and the Guthrie Theater for a photo session on a beautiful morning.  They are a really fun couple and easily made each other smile the entire morning.  I loved looking through the photos when I got home and seeing how many I got where Megan was laughing or had a big, genuine smile on her face!

engagement photography mill city minneapolis

engagement photography mill city minneapolis

We enjoyed walking around the Stone Arch Bridge and Mill Ruins area, which are so great for pictures.

engagement photography mill city minneapolis

engagement photography mill city minneapolis

Meg and Scott were really good sports, too.  Even when I asked them to climb a really steep hill for a photo!

engagement photography mill city minneapolis

Next we headed over towards the Guthrie Theater, where we took some of my favorite pictures of the session.

engagement photography guthrie theater minneapolis

engagement photography guthrie theater minneapolis

engagement photography guthrie theater minneapolis

Thanks for spending the morning with me!  I can’t wait until your wedding next year; it’s going to be great!  ♥