May Daily Photos

June 3, 2016

Another month is in the books!  I’m sharing my favorite May photos from my daily photo project.  The long days and blooming trees and flowers made for a fun month!  As always, I try to follow the word photo prompts from Capture Your 365 each day for inspiration.

May 3: “What Represents Me.”  The first week of May was “personal” week so all of the prompts were related to me.  My favorite color combination is pink and green, so I took this of our beautiful flowering tree.

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May 7: “Love.”  Wrapping up personal week I went for a self-portrait.  This is hard for me — I much prefer to be behind the camera!  Lots of love this week with Mother’s Day and remembering my mom.  And I had the perfect t-shirt for the love prompt.

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May 8: “Denim Blue.” Color week was all about denim blue this month.  I took a picture of the kids in their denim blue spring outfits.  And yes, her shoes are on the wrong feet.  This is how she wears them most days!

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May 11: “Can’t Live Without.” These three sweet hearts.  ♥

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May 14: “Homemade.” I was lucky enough to go up north on a relaxing girls weekend with two of my closest friends from college.  We had a lot of laughs, and a lot of homemade bloody marys.  And May 15: “Focus.”  The girls weekend in these cute red cabins helped us all focus on good times and 20 years of friendship!.

May 18: “Up Close.”  We seem to have a lot of these in our yard this spring!  And May 19: “One.”  I was busy planting this day and the sun was almost set before I could find the time to get in my one picture for the day.

And finally, May 21: “Eyes.”  This girl and her big brown eyes.  ♥

365 daily photo project may