Maple Grove Arboretum Fall Photos

October 14, 2016

I met this sweet family earlier this month at the Maple Gove Arboretum to take some fall photos.  The weather was a bit strange that morning.  For the hour or so we were together it was cloudy and foggy, and the rest of the day was bright and sunny.  But I kind of like the gloomy fall background, especially with the bright red clothes that give a pop of color to the photos!  Here are a few of my favorites from the session.

These two were so cute together!

Maple Grove Arboretum Fall Photos

Maple Grove Arboretum Fall Photos

Maple Grove Arboretum Fall Photos

Maple Grove Arboretum Fall Photos

Maple Grove Arboretum Fall Photos

I think this little girl likes her daddy!

Maple Grove Arboretum Fall Photos

Maple Grove Arboretum Fall Photos

Maple Grove Arboretum Fall Photos

Maple Grove Arboretum Fall Photos

Maple Grove Arboretum Fall Photos

Enjoy the rest of the fall, Burrgraff family, and thanks for meeting me!  ♥

Maple Grove Arboretum Fall Photos