July Daily Photos

August 8, 2016

Ahhh!  How is July over??  It was a really busy month for us, starting with 4th of July weekend, a birthday, the first time at overnight camp, and friends visiting from Boston.  I kept up with the photos, but found myself not following the word prompts as much this month because we had so much going on and the words didn’t always fit with our days.  Here are a few of my favorites from the month!

July 5: “Relaxed.”  After a fun 4th of July holiday weekend, we needed a day to relax on the couch.

capture your 365 daily july photos

July 7: “Private.”  Stretching to fit the word here.  We had a birthday celebration for my neighbor on my porch that afternoon, so I called it a private party.  🙂

capture your 365 daily july photos

July 10: “Saturated.”  Color week!  Pretty strawberries that I was cutting for another birthday party at our house.

capture your 365 daily july photos

July 16: {off-prompt} Send-off to Cathedral of the Pines camp!  I am so proud of this guy and his buddy for going to overnight camp in Lutsen, Minnesota.  I went there every summer as a kid, and it is such a special camp.  I’m excited that he got to experience the magic up there, and that he wants to go back again next summer!  We sure missed him while he was gone, and it was so strange not to have any contact for 5 days.  But it helped that I could picture what he was doing during the day since not much has changed there.  He came back singing camp songs and looking about 2 years older.  Here he is before he boarded the bus early in the morning.  My dad came out to send him off too!

capture your 365 daily july photos

July 18: “Energy.”  She missed her brother a lot while he was away, but was also pretty content to have all of the attention that week.  We went outside in the evening to burn off some energy.

capture your 365 daily july photos

July 19: “Filter.”  A cute shot of my niece Avery laughing, with a black and white filter.

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July 25: “With Clouds.”  No clouds in sight this day, so none were reflected in the fountain.  But I loved this picture because this is her at 5: dragging around a horse or animal with her at all times.  ♥

capture your 365 daily july photos