I finished my December daily photos and my first Capture Your 365 project (366 pictures since it was leap year)! It was hard to keep at it every day, but now looking back I’m so glad that I did. Not all of the pictures are great, or even good, but it’s so fun to have a record of every day of the year. December was full of twinkling lights and Christmas tree pictures, which helps to make up for the lack of daylight! If anyone is interested in trying a project like this, I highly encourage it, even if they’re all cell phone pictures. Check out the Capture Your 365 website for ideas and motivation.
Most of my favorites this month didn’t follow the daily word prompts, but here they are!
December 8: It was self portrait week, so here I am in an ornament. 🙂
December 14: A new decoration in our house this year by the fireplace.
December 15: There isn’t much daylight in December, but when the sun is this low in the sky we get some interesting light in our house during the day. I saw her playing with her sequins in this patch of light and grabbed my camera!
December 18: Cookie decorating!
December 19: Sick Day on the Couch.
December 20: I loved how the sun was hitting this snow globe and making it sparkle. Please ignore the layer of dust. 🙂
December 23: Getting my table set for Christmas Eve dinner!
December 24: Christmas Eve. The kids were acting goofy and making each other laugh. They were excited to start celebrating!
December 26: Lego-building day!
December 27: 6-year-old birthday wishes.
December 31st: Photo #366. The End. By no means a great picture, but I set up the timer and could only get people to pose for a couple tries. I was happy to get us all in the frame on the last day!
Thank you so much for reading along on this photo project with me. For 2017, I’m going to take one photo a week and will continue to post them on here.