August Daily Photos

September 9, 2016

Well, the kids are back in school, a few leaves are changing, and the house is quiet.  August is over and we are ready for fall!  We had a great summer and it was bittersweet to put the kids on the bus last week.  Here are some of my favorite August daily photos.  I love how summery they all are!  They will be fun to look back on as we move into fall in the next few weeks.

August 4: {off prompt} Light saber battle.  He spent a lot of time this summer battling with light sabers in the front yard.

capture your 365 daily August photos

August 8: “My Walls.”  For a few minutes each summer evening, the light comes in our kitchen window.  I took a picture of it as it was shining on my favorite heart photo collage.

capture your 365 daily August photos

August 11: “Role.”  One of my roles this summer was driver to summer activities.  It was fun to watch him get better at golfing!

capture your 365 daily August photos

August 13: “Wabi-sabi.”  This is sort of a strange prompt.  I took this at the park in the harsh afternoon sunlight.  I love how the [imperfect, wabi-sabi] sun fare makes it look like she’s grabbing for a rainbow.

capture your 365 daily August photos

August 17: {off-prompt} Saving Baby Birds.  These two baby birds fell out of our tree and onto our grass.  The kids made a little nest for them, found worms, and put it up in the tree.  We think they flew away on their own a couple of days later!

capture your 365 daily August photos

August 23: “Spotlight.” I went to the Twins game with my sister-in-law this evening.  The sunset was so pretty and the baseball field is lit up in spotlights.

capture your 365 daily August photos

August 24: “Morning Light.”  It’s been a while since I’ve included a cat picture.  Here she is in a pocket of morning light.

capture your 365 daily August photos

August 28: “Landscape.”  The front of our house on a pretty summer evening.  Soon we will be raking up all of these leaves!

capture your 365 daily August photos

August 30: {off prompt} First Day of Kindergarten.  I couldn’t resist including one from the first day of Kindergarten for these two friends!  They started one day later than their older siblings, so got their own photo shoot that morning.  (Spoiler alert for September: two more top teeth are now missing from her smile!)

capture your 365 daily August photos

August 31: “Dramatic.”  Our Boston friends brought us the game “Suspend,” and we’ve been playing it lots.  It can get a little dramatic as you wait to see if it will fall!

capture your 365 daily August photos

Enjoy the cooler temperatures and the start of fall!