April Daily Photos

May 3, 2016

I had a lot of fun taking pictures in April!  The trees bloomed and there was a lot of color.  This month many of the photos focused on the color “magenta,” which is my favorite.  Here are a few of my favorites from the month:

April 3: “In My Hands.”  Most days, a book and a coffee are in my hands.  I loved the way the light was coming in this window early in the morning.

365 Photos April-1

April 6: “Precious.”  This precious heart necklace was a gift from a great friend for starting Sweet Hearts Photography!  And April 7: “Currently Loving.”  I love watching her imagination and ability to play for hours in her room.  I will sure miss her when she is in Kindergarten next fall.

April 9: “Magenta.”  My favorite magenta/purple shoes.  And April 10: “Layers.”  Magenta layers of petals.


April 15: “A Bunch.” We had a bunch of fun in the driveway on a nice spring night.  And she made her first basket!

365 Photos April-6

April 21: “Dark & Moody,” and April 22: “Light & Bright.”  The weather cooperated for me on these two photo prompts.  The first was a rainy day and the kids really wanted to get out and play.  Then the next day was a beautiful and sunny!

April 23: “Magnify.”

365 Photos April-9

April 27: “Well-loved.”  This leopard.  He’s been with us on vacations, to parks, grocery shopping, car rides, … everywhere.  He is very well-loved.

365 Photos April-10