Baby Scarlett

January 30, 2017

Baby Scarlett was born last November, and I got to take newborn photos a few weeks after she was born!  I went to their house, and it was fun to see the family in that cozy, newborn phase when time stops and you get to spend time together getting to know your new baby!  This little girl is very loved by her parents and puppy siblings, and has a beautiful nursery.  It was a treat for me to be there and see the family grow — what an exciting year for them!  I think Stacy is getting ready to go back to work soon after her maternity leave, and I hope she has enjoyed her time snuggling this beautiful little girl.

Baby Scarlett Newborn Photographer

Baby Scarlett Newborn Photographer

At a baby shower, Stacy received this baby blanket made from her mom’s sweaters.  Little Scarlett certainly loved laying on it, and I know she will treasure it as she grows!

Baby Scarlett Newborn Photographer

Baby Scarlett Newborn Photographer

Baby Scarlett Newborn Photographer

Baby Scarlett Newborn Photographer

Baby Scarlett Newborn Photographer

This last picture is one of my favorites.  Little girl was already smiling up at her mom at 3 weeks old! ♥

Baby Scarlett Newborn Photographer