November Daily Photos

December 9, 2016

Hello!  I’m still trying to catch up on October session blog posts, but here we are in December already and I need to share my November daily photos!  I can’t believe this project is coming to a close.  There have definitely been weeks along the way where it was a challenge to remember to take a photo, or when I just used my cell phone.  But the year has flown by and I’m so happy I stuck with it.  After the new year I will make something fun with the 366 photos!  Most of the November word prompts started with “Thankful for ____.”  Here are a few favorite pictures from November.

November 11: {Off Prompt}.  I usually try not to use session pictures as my daily photos but I love the light and the family in this photo.  I’m thankful for all of the beautiful pictures I got to take this year!

november daily photo project

November 13: “Thankful for November colors.”  Took a picture of the last of our raking in the back yard.

november daily photo project

November 20: “Thankful for Point of View.”  We cleaned off the little kitchen desk and now have a space for drawing.  She was very excited for her own space!

november daily photo project

November 21: “Thankful for Underneath.”  A view of our church entrance, from underneath the lights.  I’m thankful for this church and all of the activities they offer.

november daily photo project

November 22: “Thankful for On the Ground.”  First sleepover for these two long-time friends.  I’m thankful for these two boys and their friendship.

november daily photo project

November 28: “Bottom Half.”  Thankful to catch this sun flare in the bottom half of my living room!!

november daily photo project